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Adventure Activities in Utah's Lakes and Reservoirs

Embark on an adventure like no other as we delve into the heart of Utah's Lakes and Reservoirs, a captivating photo project by Ana's CameraWork. Over the past two years, we've explored the diverse landscapes of Utah, where approximately 33% of the state is desert terrain, interspersed with rivers and waterways. With over 200 lakes and reservoirs scattered across its terrain, Utah relies heavily on snowmelt to replenish its water sources, catering to the growing needs of its population.

Presently, reports from the Utah Department of Natural Resources reveal that most reservoirs boast water levels above 60%, signifying a healthy balance. However, notable exceptions like Lake Powell, with its current level at 39%, Woodruff Creek at 49.25%, and Yuba Reservoir at 40.5%, highlight areas of concern.

As the winter thaws and spring breathes new life into the landscape, our hopes are set on a significant rise in water levels across Utah's lakes and reservoirs, mitigating any potential summer water shortages. Yet, the preservation of this vital resource remains a collective effort, necessitating the active participation of the population.

Waves in Hyrum Reservoir Spring 2022  Winter 2022- 2023 at Bear Lake, Utah


Safety tips

Utah's lakes and reservoirs offer a plethora of adventure activities, including kayaking, paddleboarding, fishing, swimming, hiking, motorboating, birdwatching, hunting, and camping, all predominantly regulated by Utah's State Parks. Among the state's 47 parks, 25 are dedicated to lakes and reservoirs. Prior to embarking on any adventure, it's essential to familiarize yourself with each destination's specific conditions and regulations.

A must-have companion for any excursion to Utah's water bodies is insect repellent, especially when water levels are low, and near the Great Salt Lake where mosquito populations thrive. Sunscreen, water, and other essentials are also vital. As responsible stewards of nature, always carry a trash bag to collect not only your own waste but also any litter you encounter, including cans and plastic bottles.

All recommended trails are clearly marked, with warning signs indicating potential hazards. When swimming is permitted, ensure the safety of minors, and if launching a boat, practice responsible boating by disinfecting vessels and respecting the local fauna. It's disheartening to witness individuals speeding boats to observe wildlife, disrupting their natural habitat.

Wildlife on the lakes of Utah   Osprey over Flaming Gorge


Embark on a journey of discovery and conservation as you explore the enchanting waterscapes of Utah's Lakes and Reservoirs. Let's tread lightly, leaving nothing but footprints and capturing unforgettable moments through the lens of photography.

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