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Antelope Island and its Beauty.


With camera and tripod in hand, visit once again, Utah's Antelope Island. An island that is surrounded by the Great Salt Lake. It is currently well known as a state park, where visitors fall in love with the free-living herd of bison, which is a species native to North America.  On this occasion I will tell you my experience, of the visit.

With the idea of capturing glamorous, scenic photographs of spring, we took on the task of contemplating and connecting with the environment, an action that I have learned through my photographic profession.

On Antelope Island, light terracotta colors predominate and overlap with each other. When you observe them in the distance by the salt of the lake, they give the feeling of white, yellow, and gold, it is a rare beauty. The land is arid, but the cool spring breeze connected me beautifully, with the environment around me. I was able to appreciate once again the inexhaustible beauty of this park; in this visit the yellow, and the blue of the sky made theirs.

As we well know, the drought of the century is present in all environments; but even with everything, I always found exciting activities, such as encounter with bison, who walk freely through the dry meadows. I also stopped the car, to give way to a frightened armadillo, who looked at me indecisive before following in his footsteps.

At the end of the day, I listened to the high-pitched singing of the seagulls. This experience was beautiful, the flock was almost endless, one after another and the bustle very audible. At first, I was scared, thinking that something bad was happening, but no. The singing of the seagulls at night is to keep their flock together, while they fly and find shelter to spend the night. This was phenomenal almost 30 minutes of show!

I could see the large tracts of land, which were once covered with water, and are now clothed in salt. It looks like Bonneville Salt Flat, which is a remnant of Lake Bonneville that was there during the Pleistocene era. The similarity is big, and the difference is that the subsoil is still wet. However, I decided to give the importance to the historical moment I was living, and I thought positively, the new generations can learn. When you're here, you're really transported back to the Pleistocene era and think the scene shows us what another salt flat might one day be.

When you contemplate you remember many things, here I remembered that human beings from ancient times to the present day, trace natural paths. Humans are used to following in the footsteps that others leave in their wake. Those natural paths are made trails and are forming throughout the island. Visitors walk miles in search of water over what was once water.


Along the horizon, you see the cities that are located on the slopes of the Wasatch Mountain range, I saw how a large extension of the lake is affected by drought, and I wondered; How many years will it take for Antelope Island to join the mainland? Nostalgia and sadness invaded my mind, but even with everything, nature always gives us stunning scenic landscapes of photo art.

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